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  • Ep13 – The Water Crisis in the Murray Darling Basin with Chris & Rhys

In this episode Chris and I sit down and talk about the least enlightening topic so far on the podcast… but it’s a topic that needed some attention. We talk about the ‘Impact of the Drought and Water Mismanagement on the Murray Darling Basin’.

We discuss what the MDB is and the Plan and Authority who manage the water. We talk about what has happened to all the water, the effect of the drought and what affect this is going to have on the future of the fisheries. It’s a hot topic of discussion as we come into the warmer weather where we may see even bigger fish kills with no rain in sight.

In this episode:

What is the Murray Darling Basin, Authority and Plan (8:00)

The issue with the Murray Darling Basin Plan (15:00)

The Drought and our Water Storage Percentages (20:00)

Historical Droughts and Floods (25:00)

Water mismanagement and current issues (30:00)

Fish kills, water cycles and thoughts on new ways to manage water (33:00)

Mismanagement of water, the major issues and political issues (39:00)

The solution and the way forward (48:00)

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