This is a great down to earth chat with Mathew Skorupa, an Aussie bloke who loves adventure. This episode is full of great stories and fishing chat, plenty of laughable moments and some great life lessons. We also talk a little bit about Mat’s hunting adventures including chasing deer and tar in NZ.
If you’re keen for some inspiration or just a good bit of entertainment, you’re going to enjoy this chat!
In this episode:
Early life hunting and fishing with dad (3:00)
Mat’s favourite style of fishing (12:45)
What Mat carries in his backpack (15:10)
Passion and love for wildlife (20:56)
What’s a normal month for Matt (30:08)
Mat’s Bucket List – Trip to chase Golden Dorado (32:08)
Mat’s Hunting Adventures (33:46)
Good footwear for hunting and fishing (49:46)
Hybrids in the Murrumbidgee River (54:00)
Tips for fishing fast flowing gorge/boulder water (1:01:01)
Chasing Barramundi: Tips and Stories (1:09:31)
Mat’s most memorable catch (1:14:15)
Mat’s one last lesson on life (1:25:46)
- Connect with Mat -
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