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  • Ep 36 – Winter Cod in Rivers: Tactics, Approach and Key Conditions with Rhys & Chris

If you are pumped to get out and do some fishing this winter for big cod long a river, this is the episode for you. Chris and I are finally back for another episode where we sit down and talk all thing winter river cod. First of all we start off with the change in behaviour of these fish, then how we need to change our approach, different areas to target, retrieve speed and the number of casts, our go-to lures and the best months during winter to fish. It’s another great episode. Enjoy!


In this episode:

The change of season and activity of the fish (5:30)

Key areas to target in winter & your angling approach (13:30)

What is a good session in winter? (24:00)

Retrieve speed and number of casts (27:00)

Lure choice (31:30)

Best weather patterns and conditions (34:00)

Conditions that shut fish down in winter (42:00)

Best month in winter (52:30)

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Social Fishing is the ultimate hub for Freshwater Fishing Education! Social Fishing is a community based website packed with information, education and support for all freshwater anglers. The Social Fishing Team are passionate not only about fishing but educating others and giving them the chance to experience this past time that we all love!

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